Inclusion of the Deaf
Maximize inclusion of the deaf, in the labour market (tech professionals) and the consumer market, providing the private sector a WISE and eficient way to add value through solid ESG and DEI initiatives.
Inclusion of the Deaf
The problem
- Deaf have very limited opportunities to get accessible education
and to puvrsue a solid carrer. - The the difficulties extend to basic activities of purchasing and
consuming services. - Companies have the urgent need to validate ESG principles within
their procedures and also need to comply with inclusion laws. - Qualified IT TECH Professionals are in defict across the globe.
market size
Total Global Sustainable Investing = USD 2,3 TRI * (as for 2020)
SAM – 20% of TAM (Allocation for deaf community)
SOM – 20% of SAM (Market to be obtained)

For individuals >> Inclusion and career development through
Digital Tech School and Qualified Job Opportunities.
For organizations >> Inclusive Marketing tech solutions
and Tech qualified professionals
Opportunities For All
Deaf community will experience a life change through accessto high tech training, carrer opportunities and social inclusiviness.
Credit Funds can access ~500MM people through Inclusive Credit with a ROI of up to 200%.
Improve ESG commitment >>Employer Branding.
Top-Line Growth >>Atract customers with inclusive products and services.
Mitigate Regulatory and Legal Interventions >>Hire PwD coders with superior performance.
Productivity Uplift >>Hire all the best TECH Workforce.
Inclusion of the Deaf
- Wise Hands won The Globee Award® for startup of the year 2021
For IT Services. - Wise Hands won the Brasil Design Award® on the UI/UX category
first place on public vote and second place by the Jury. - Wise Hands created the worldʼs first IT school for the deaf in August
2021 wit. - Revenue january ʼ22 = 10x full year 2021 with 100% customers
Round info
Raising: USD 5 MM
Already Committed:USD 1MM
Equity: 5% | Deadline: February 2022
No Data Found

The Team
Wise Hands Steering Committee
The Steering Comitee is driven by PwD
that decides on the general course and priority of actions.
Engineer + 18yr R&D + 200 Multiple IT projects Worth USD 1 Bi Delivered
Eduardo Valentin
+20yr Biz Dev, Mkt & Growth Investor & Entrepreneur People & Culture Mgt Expertise
Amanda Danziger
+15 yr IT Education Carrer + 7 yr Team Development Founder SOITech
Rafael Rezende
27yr Entrerpreneur Mkt Audio Visual Professional + 100 campaings delivered
Alberto Iglesias
+30 yrs DEV and Tech Founder VN Soft (25 yr) International Presence
Junior Bornelli
StartSE Founder International Presence Multiple Business Awards